Lease financing program on renewal of bus fleet within the framework of support of domestic automakers
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Lease financing program on renewal of bus fleet within the framework of support of domestic automakers

Lease financing program on renewal of bus fleet within the framework of support of domestic automakers


Since 2018, JSC IDF has been the operator of the Lease Financing Program for the renewal of the bus fleet as part of the support of domestic car manufacturers. The purpose of the Program is to support the development of production of domestic buses and renew the critically worn-out bus fleet of the Republic of Kazakhstan by providing leasing financing from the IDF JSC, a subsidiary of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan Joint Stock Company

Leasing items can be buses of domestic production:

  • Hyundai Trans Auto
  • SaryarkaAutoProm
  • SemAz
  • Daewoo Bus Kazakhstan
  • Qaz Techna LPP
  • Uralskagroremmash JSC
Funding currency tenge
Commissions, fees and / or other payments in accordance with the internal acts of IDF JSC
Insurance of the leased asset under the CASCO program at the expense of the Lessee
Additionally Signing of the Project Support Agreement between IDF JSC and the local executive body

Conditions of conditional financing of lessees who purchase domestically produced buses at the expense of funds from the operator of extended obligations of manufacturers (importers) (hereinafter referred to as the Conditions)
Purpose: to support the development of domestic bus production and upgrade the critically worn-out bus fleet of the Republic of Kazakhstan by providing leasing financing from the Industrial Development Fund
Tasks: assistance in the renewal of vehicles in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to improve the state of the environment.
Requirements for the subject of leasing:
1. a bus of domestic production, new, not previously used and not older than 2 years as of the date of the potential Lessee's application for the acquisition of the subject of leasing.
2. equipping with a technical tracking system (GPS/GLONASS tracker, SekurPay and other systems) to monitor the location of the leased asset.
3. Possession of a vehicle type approval certificate Vehicle type approval certificate/or vehicle design safety certificate.
The participants of the Program are:
1) Industrial Development Fund JSC;
2) the lessee is a social and entrepreneurial corporation (hereinafter referred to as SEC) under the local executive body and / or a carrier, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur operating in the field of organizing passenger transportation, who has concluded a financial leasing agreement with the Company for the purpose of acquiring domestically produced buses, for terms of financial leasing.
3) Seller - domestic manufacturers of ecological class buses in accordance with the technical regulations of vehicle manufacturers that have entered into an agreement on the industrial assembly of vehicles;
4) Operator - an operator of extended obligations of producers (importers), a legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan that organizes the collection, transportation, processing, neutralization, use and (or) disposal of waste generated after the loss of consumer properties of products (goods) for which ( which) are subject to extended obligations of manufacturers (importers), and its (their) packaging.
The funding limit for each Seller is determined by a decision of a commission consisting of representatives of industrial enterprises participating in the Terms, approved by the Industrial Development Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and approved by the Management Board of the Company.
Conditions for the provision of long-term leasing financing for a potential Lessee:
1) term of leasing financing - up to 7 years;
2) funding currency - tenge;
3) interest rate - 0.01% in a lump sum payment for the entire lease term, paid no later than 5 (five) business days from the date of transfer of the last leased asset;
4) initial payment (advance payment) for leasing - none;
5) insurance of the object of leasing under the program of comprehensive automobile insurance, except for liability, service maintenance and maintenance of the object of leasing in accordance with the requirements of the Company - at the expense of the Lessee;
6) grace period for repayment of the principal debt - no more than 9 months from the date of conclusion of the financial leasing agreement;
7) the frequency of payment of the main debt - at least 1 time in 3 (three) months;
The terms of financing cannot be used by Lessees who operate in cities of republican significance and regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while in the absence of applications approved by Industrial Development Fund JSC for financing of Lessees after one year from the date of their receipt from the Operator or the date of their return According to the revolving principle, the Industrial Development Fund JSC has the right to finance the Lessees carrying out transportation in the regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
When financing Lessees who are not SECs, the obligatory requirements of Industrial Development Fund JSC are the provision of a guarantee of full joint and several liability for this Lessee by the SEC for the obligations of the Lessee and / or its financing within the framework of a public-private partnership, and / or the sufficiency of collateral for obligations of this Lessee in accordance with the internal acts of the Industrial Development Fund JSC.